Living in surroundings that are really you!

Tidying up, sorting, Organizing, Organising, Surroundings, change, Less is more, Support, assistance, guidance, accompanying, Home organiser, Decluttering, defining, Arrange, develope, accommodate, design, Metamorphosis, transforming, transform, Organisation, Clean sweep, clean up, Essential, Decide, settle, space, Clarity, sharpness, Organizing coach, Organising coach, simplicity, Spring clean, Refocusing, realignment, Owning less, Personnel development, self-improvement, priorities
A roof over your head is a basic need
Shelter from the elements, a place to sleep, a place to eat. A place to recoup your energy through relaxation. A family home where you can equally entertain friends and neighbours … a private place that you can make accessible to outsiders if you wish. But above all, it must be your home, it must reflect your personality and, of course, you must feel right at home to find tranquility and happiness
A place that is really you!
Your surroundings naturally reflect yourself. Your plans for the future, your start in life with a partner, the arrival of children, career advancement or the first property you buy – the various stages of life that come more and more rapidly, one after the other. Phases of development that involve our innate ability to accumulate, let’s admit it, a mass of things that are more or less necessary, more or less loved, more or less beautiful …
But the day comes when we feel it’s time for change. As the African saying goes, you can get farther with a helping hand, so let me be your guide during this transition.
Enjoy transforming your vital space
The need or just the desire for change will automatically give birth to a transformation of your home to suit your new requirements. Even if you’re sure about what you want, it isn’t easy to take on totally new ideas.
Hesitation, hesitation: whether it be a matter of re-arranging or moving house, where do we start? How do we get rid of a mass of useless things that are starting to suffocate us? Sort through them, yes … and then what? Give them to a charity? Sell them? How can we just throw them away? I’ll be there to help you make the right decisions in order for you to have more breathing space.
Our life is a series of transformations, and while for some people it’s an exciting adventure, for others it just leads to stress. But you don’t have to deal with everything alone: you can call in someone who, thanks to their experience, will make the task a lot easier.
A problem shared is not a problem anymore!
Once upon a time...

Born in Africa, moving to Switzerland and returning to Africa, I experienced several changes of home during my early childhood. At the age of 5 I asked my mother when we were moving again, and she realised that it was exactly 18 months since our last move and that that was exactly the longest time that we had ever stayed put! I was in the starting blocks and ready for yet another new home! It was obviously already in my blood to move around regularly.
And so we spent another 9 years in Africa before returning for the final time to Switzerland, where I spent my adolescence in the canton of Neuchâtel.
As a young adult I set off to conquer the world. At this stage of my life, however, like a snail, I took my home with me. In a word, my whole world fitted into one suitcase and two cardboard boxes that I left in Switzerland.
Despite spending over 3 decades in western Switzerland, my earliest experiences constantly came up against and affected my later life: marriages, divorces, children. Yes, all in the plural …
Each time I had to adapt, to move on. And each time I found myself in a new home after changing.
In the end, I must admit that I like change: it stimulates me, makes me curious, because since my childhood it’s been quite normal for me. And so my survival instincts automatically kick in and change becomes the wonderful cherry on the cake!
It has been through helping friends that I’ve come to understand that life has given me the ability to cope with the different chapters of life through practical decisions concerning the objects that surround us and the places in which we live. And clients have indeed confirmed this talent in me.
Today I take on a small number of clients every year and help them reorganise their lives so that they can fully enjoy their new situation and build a true relationship with their new surroundings. The changes they go through are various (divorce, physical changes, retirement, death of a loved one, a need for a new start, etc.). I help my clients to make the right decisions, to reorganise where necessary so that they can live happily in their new situation and to ensure that their home is a harmonious refuge.
It just goes to show that a problem shared is indeed a problem halved!
Choosing the right tools

A building site cannot be avoided, take things right back to basics. A thorough and complete overhaul.

Open your mind up to self-analysis and roll your sleeves up. Fine handiwork with choices to be made to achieve an amazing result.

Feather duster
You’ve already worked hard but you still need to add the finishing touch for the magic to become real!
Make a decision today for a more comfortabe life tomorrow

Now let's get to know each other!
I will come to your home and at the end of our meeting you will know exactly which option is best for you.
Each client’s situation is unique and my aim is to provide flexible solutions tailored to your specific needs as well as to your budget. After I have discussed what action is to be taken with you, I will draw up a detailed proposal, including costs.
This first meeting is free-of-charge and puts you under no obligation whatsoever.
Aménagement et organisation

Handy and light, the feather duster, made of ostrich feathers, reveals the beauty of a job that has already been completed. It sheds light on the result and underlines the finished article. It can offer the novice the chance to get to know how to get things right and how to start bringing about long-term changes.
Did you know that Japanese feather dusters, called hatakis, are made of scraps of silk? When used vigorously, a feather duster will dislodge dust from the tiniest crannies and, together with a broom, obviate the need for a vacuum cleaner.
A Feather Duster session will take less than half a day. Here are some situations where this tool is ideal:
- specific sorting or tidying, for example of footwear, handbags, jewellery;
- general advice on how to obtain the best results with practical and clear examples of storage and folding;
- how to organise clearing of objects that you have already sorted through;
- setting up a basic system to manage your household spending;
- how to sell items on the internet.
If you would like a Feather Duster session, contact-me!
Scissors are a versatile and precise tool, ideal for both small jobs and large-scale tasks. An essential item in the home that we learn to use from an early age, and which we are glad to have in our daily lives.
Scissors encourage us to think about what we are going to do since their action is irreversible. Scissors are even used right at our birth, when the midwife cuts the umbilical cord. Through this gesture, scissors are immensely symbolic and reflect the major transformations and changes in our life to come.
A Scissors session will take a whole day, or even two days, depending on the volume of items to be dealt with. It includes deciding which items are of special value to you through rigorous selection as well as how best to store or reorganise them. Once things that are superfluous in your life have been disposed of, you will be free to enjoy the space that suits you. Here are some places where this tool can be used to the best advantage:
- wardrobe, dressing-room,
- kitchen or bathroom,
- office,
- living-room or specific rooms (e.g. children’s rooms),
- cellar, garage or attic.
Wherever your problem lies, a Scissors solution can be very attractive. Contact-me!
At the same time a weapon and a tool, the hammer is not a subtle instrument. Designed for large-scale use, it is a tool of destruction. Using a hammer you don’t just move forwards but you can also appreciate your progress! The environment changes when a hammer is used and each strike reveals a little bit more of the future. A hammer can shape large objects but it can also help us to create and make room for a new concept. It is the ultimate tool for the extreme task!
Occasionally, a basic implement gives rise to the sublime, as when Pythagorus listened to the sound of blacksmiths hammering on their anvil and suddenly understood the mathematics of harmony, which gave him the idea of tensing strings using different weights. This gave rise to the diatonic scale and ultimately … the piano!
Every Hammer project must be preceded by a study, and the time it takes to complete the project will be dictated by the volume of work to be done as well as by external factors and the time it takes to re-occupy the premises. A 100% tailor-made project ensures that the time taken is not wasted. Here are some situations where such a tool may be suitable:
- partial or complete restructuration of a house or flat;
- arranging furniture and possessions after moving house;
- selecting inherited items and goods to be used or discarded.
If you need to discuss a Hammer project, contact-me!
Any questions ?
If you have any questions I shall be pleased to answer them!
- "Une pièce au sous-sol à aménager de façon accueillante pour mon fils devenu jeune adulte (..). Annik immédiatement y vois une transformation possible. (...) Peinture, tapisserie, carrelage seront des travaux exécutés par des professionnels mais dans l'enthousiasme, je me lance côté "touche perso" : meubles revisités, ponçage, déco, huile de coude ! Grâce à l'imagination d'Annik voilà la chambre transformée, moderne et cosy tout à la fois."
Patricia P.
- "(...) Un des points à souligner est le fait qu'Annik ait pris les choses en main - stricto sensu - a été un élément essentiel pour moi à décider de renoncer à moultes pièces. Un souvenir : je prenais ma décision en interaction avec la spécialiste, chose que seule je n'arrivais pas ! (...) Qu'elle en soit remerciée aujourd'hui, quelques 4 ans après!"
- "Un tri dans mon dressing s'imposait et étant conservatrice et sentimentale, je savais que pour y arriver, il me fallait absolument quelqu'un pour m'accompagner dans cette étape(...) Annik a été en quelque sorte "mon sherpa" (...) Elle m'a apporté beaucoup de conseils mais toujours en respectant mon point de vue et au final, la décision de garder ou pas tel ou tel vêtement venait de moi, de façon rapide et naturelle ! (...)"
Maria R.
- "Je suis enchantée du projet d'Annik de m'avoir proposé de faire le tri de mon alimentation, (...) au début c'était désespérant de tout voir sur le plan de travail, mais petit à petit tout s'est rangé à merveille. On a fait un bon team (...) Une fois fait, c'est génial. Maintenant je vois tout ce que j'ai et sais où sont les choses. Il me reste même de la place et je me sens remise à neuf. C'est mieux qu'une thalassothérapie!"
Joelle S.